Autor: Tarmo Virki • 11. aprill 2024

PitchME: Baltic early stage investor Firstpick

In episode 31, Jone Vaituleviciute pitches Firstpick, a Vilnius-headquartered early-stage investment firm focusing on Baltic startups.

PitchME by FoundME is a podcast where interesting startups take the stage and pitch to the world. For the first time in this episode, we turned the series upside down and let the investment firm pitch to startups.

FoundME podcastis PitchME on laval korraga üks startup Eestist või kaugemalt, kes esitab maailmale oma liftikõne ja vastab toimetaja küsimustele. Esimest korda andsime selles episoodis startupi rolli investeerimisfirmale, kes 'pitchis' ennast idufirmadele.

PitchME: Baltic early stage investor Firstpick

PitchME: Baltic early stage investor Firstpick

In episode 31, Jone Vaituleviciute pitches Firstpick, a Vilnius-headquartered early-stage investment firm focusing on Baltic startups.

PitchME by FoundME is a podcast where interesting startups take the stage and pitch to the world. For the first time in this episode, we turned the series upside down and let the investment firm pitch to startups.

FoundME podcastis PitchME on laval korraga üks startup Eestist või kaugemalt, kes esitab maailmale oma liftikõne ja vastab toimetaja küsimustele. Esimest korda andsime selles episoodis startupi rolli investeerimisfirmale, kes 'pitchis' ennast idufirmadele.

Indrek Kald
foundME.io toimetaja
Telefon: +372 511 1112
Rain Jüristo
foundME.io reklaamimüügi projektijuht
Telefon: +372 5182875
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Telefon: +372 667 0111